灌輸正向教學方式(Positive reinforcement),令犬隻從遊戲中學習。
MDF 首席訓練總監 Garrick Poon潘國偉是香港少數擁有知名國際導盲犬聯盟認可的導盲犬訓練導師,亦是目前為止曾在英國導盲犬協會受訓並獲得導盲犬訓練師 GDT 專業資格的兩名香港人之一。
擁有十三年訓練寵物犬及導盲犬的經驗,Garrick Sir 多年來為香港導盲犬協會工作,主力為視障人士及導盲犬進行配對及訓練,以正向教學方式培訓導盲幼犬成為合乎國際資格的導盲犬,服務視障人士。
近年 Garrick Sir 更積極發展人才培訓,並為其協會編制導盲犬訓練員及訓練導師培訓計劃。在香港導盲犬協會工作期間經常被邀請到各大商業及教育機構擔任犬隻及導盲犬資訊講師及接受不同媒體的採訪,亦曾參與香港電影《導盲犬小Q》的製作。
JimJim’s & Happy’s Mommy & Daddy
Garrick Sir and his team are my two doggies trainers. They have started my babies' training when they were 4 months old till now. The above included 1.5 months of boarding training for each of them with his family during the period.
I would like to state that Garrick's patience and skills applying in the training of my two babies is amazing and it is found essentially significant for the establishment of their own characters during their growth.
Especially one of my boys who is so shy and scary in meeting other dogs and humans in before and now becomes so sociable and friendly.
I would like to take this opportunity to offer my heartfelt thanks to Garrick's guidance and knowledge applied to my boys. He is justified to earn my respect and appreciation.
Toby’s Mommy
Garrick is a very experienced trainer - he is not only professional and punctual, he is also very knowledgeable and clear with his explanation.
Using only positive reinforcement, every session is well structured and effective as we see a big difference in my dog's behavior before the session even ends.
We recommend Garrick to anyone who wants to have a well trained dog.